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How to Apply For Admissions

Thank you for your interest in Eastern Christian School. This checklist is designed to assist you in the application process. Should you have any questions, please contact Ji Sung Rhyu, International Student Advisor, at 00+1.973.427.0900 x 6010 or by email at

Definition of an International Student: Eastern Christian is an F-1 approved school. An International Student is any student who fits one or more of the following criteria:

  1. Needs an I-20 for admission to the United States
  2. Home address prior to arriving in the U.S. is international

International Applications for Enrollment should be submitted for consideration as follows:

Fall Semester (August): No later than the first week of June of the applying year
PRIORITY consideration will be given to all applicants that submit the necessary documents by February 1 of the applying year. If so, the enrollment decision will be made by March 1 or earlier (provided that the interview has been completed).

Spring Semester (January): No later than the first week of December of the applying school year

Eastern Christian School requires that International Students beginning school in January complete one full academic year on our campus and are required to pay one full year’s tuition. One-half of the tuition will be applied to the Spring Semester and the balance will be applied to the Fall Semester of the following school year.


ALL forms and documentation must be officially translated into English, or they will not be accepted by Eastern Christian School. This will cause a delay in the acceptance consideration.



Step One: Application Phase:

1. You and your parents should complete and submit the following:

  • Online Application
  • Submit the $100 non-refundable application fee with your online application

2. Once we receive your completed online application, we will contact you to complete the following forms:

  • I-20 Information Form
  • Student Questionnaire
  • Student Essay
  • Financial Form

3. We will also request your current school complete the following forms:

  • English Teacher Recommendation Form
  • School Recommendation Form
  • Official School Transcript (must be translated into English)

4. We will ask your pastor to complete the following form:

  • Pastor’s Form

5. Additional forms we will need submitted to complete your application: 

The application process will not continue until ALL of the above documentation and the $100 application fee are received by Eastern Christian School.



Step Two: Interview Phase:

Once the International Office receives all documents, forms and fees, an Eastern Christian School representative will contact you to schedule a student interview.

  • If the parent(s) and child are in the United States, the interview will be conducted in person at Eastern Christian School.
  • If the parent(s) and child are not in the United States, then an official representative of Eastern Christian School will conduct the interview through an online service, such as Skype, or in person.

The interview will be conducted to assist the school in determining the following:

  • The commitment of the family to serving Jesus Christ in all ways, including education.
  • The parents’ support for school policies and procedures that will hold the student accountable.
  • The student’s fluency in speaking English. An applicant requesting admission to the upper grades (9-12) must be proficient in technical English before acceptance will be considered.



Step Three: Acceptance Phase:

After the interview is completed, all records, forms and a summary of the interview will be submitted to the respective Eastern Christian School administrator for review. If the applicant meets all of the Eastern Christian School admissions requirements, the Eastern Christian School International Office will notify the parents that the student has been accepted as an ECS student.

The $1,000 USD International Student Enrollment Fee (non-refundable) must be received before a USCIS Form I-20 will be issued or transferred.



Final Step: Enrollment Phase

Enrollment is not official until all the documentation, fees, etc. are received. Once the enrollment office receives the $1,000 enrollment fee, an acceptance package is sent to the student, which includes the I-20 and other enrollment paperwork that require parent signatures. Forms that must be returned to school are:

  • Signed Tuition Contract
  • A copy of the F-1 Student Visa
  • Official New Student Physical Examination Form (signed by a licensed physician and translated into English) The physical examination and all immunizations must be current.
  • Medical Authorization Form
  • Emergency Form
  • Parental Approval for Off-Campus Learning Form
  • All tuition and fees are in U.S. currency. Tuition and fees are due to Eastern Christian School by May 1 of the applying year (Fall Semester) in order to hold the student’s place at Eastern Christian School. For students applying for the Spring Semester, tuition is due by January 1. See International Student Tuition Information for exact amounts.

If you have any questions, please contact:
Ji Sung Rhyu, International Student Advisor
Eastern Christian School Association
50 Oakwood Avenue
North Haledon, NJ 07508 USA
Telephone:  00+1.973.427.0900 ext. 6010
Fax:  00+1.973.427.3716